This was written by An from StraightGrain for the Miss Matatabi Makers series.
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Do you have them too? Those friends or family members whom it seems impossible to find or make a gift for?
I think that this year, I finally found a great Christmas gift for those kinds of people. It’s a kitchen apron with adjustable straps. Everyone cooks, right? And it’s practical, it’s pretty (if you pick pretty fabrics), and it’s even easy and fast to make. Jackpot!
For my first attempt, I picked some Cotton + Steel fabrics. I combined Hexies in Paprika (from Rashida Coleman Hale’s Moonlit line) with Netorious in Goldilocks (from their Basics line) for the pocket and the straps. I love those metallic silver lines!
The design of the apron is loosely based on a store-bought apron which I’ve had for over 10 years. It has one long strap which runs through two tunnels under the arms, and so it is really easy to adjust. Just pull the ends of the strap until the top of the apron is lifted high enough, and knot them in the back.
I made one stupid mistake somewhere, and so the top part of the apron is not as high as it should be (hence the minuscule seam allowance there). This will be adjusted in a next version. Would anyone be interested in a free downloadable pattern for this apron? Including one in a kid’s size?
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Thank you so much An! Connect with An on her blog, instagram, facebook, and pinterest.
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[…] my December Miss Matatabi Makers post, I picked some Cotton + Steel fabrics to make a kitchen apron with adjustable straps. You can read more about it […]